Wednesday, August 18, 2010

more chambray more chambray!

check this out this is our new products. more chambray more chambray!! so let's joy with it!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

this season

above: NAVY BLUE

*7 ounce dry chambray
*Will shrink when washed
*price: RP 185.000

Available on size M

left: SEA BLUE

*5 ounce chambray
*Rinsed (Will not shrink)
*price: RP 160.000
Available on size M and L

right: OLD BLUE

*5 ounce chambray
*Rinsed (Will not shrink)
*price: 160.000
Available on size M and L

HANGER is Indonesian made, recently started by young peoples work, we try to make chambray in our first product. We welcome any suggestions that can build our products so that progress could be better and certainly with better quality.

It's our first productions:
